Dear Parishioners and Friends -
I have great news to share. The church mortgage has been paid off!!
Thanks to your generous contributions over the years, we reached this milestone ahead of time.
Join us for a Mortgage Burning Ceremony
Sunday, June 26 at the 10:30 AM Mass.
When the parish embarked on this adventure, the original plans were for a combined church, social center and offices, with a separate rectory, on one campus. But, due to the cost and our immediate need for worship space, the plans were redrawn for completion in phases.
Phase 1 - Church Phase 2 - Rectory Phase 3 - Social Center and Offices
With the first two phases completed, we are looking ahead to the feasibility and timing of Phase 3. Over the summer, we will be sharing information and solidifying plans on how we will move forward.
I ask you to prayerfully consider the current needs of our parish, think about the activities that are on hold due to space constraints, imagine the possibilities for our community going forward and continue your monthly giving to our building fund.
This is so much bigger than just building a new social center. This is about creating space to encounter Christ outside of Mass, providing opportunities to walk with each other in faith, and draw others into relationship with Our Lord.
This is an exciting time for our parish community. Come celebrate this great achievement and join me for the next phase of the adventure.
In God’s great love -
Fr. David
Our Mortgage Burning Ceremony took place on Sunday, June 26 following the final blessing
at the 10:30 AM Mass.
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