Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

This program was formerly known as RCIA. (Explanation of the change)

Meets year-round at the parish office

when an inquirer is going through the process.

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is the process by which interested adults and older children become full members of the Catholic Church. This program prepares individuals for the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation, including anyone coming from other faith traditions as well as uninitiated Catholics.

For more information, contact: RCIA.sfa@gmail.com

OCIA follows the ancient practice of the Church, introducing an individual to the Catholic way of life. Candidates are accompanied on their journey of faith by their catechists.

For individuals who knock on our door seeking initiation, the length of the process is unique to their needs. It encourages them into a deep relationship with God and His Church, and through participation in weekly worship and parish activities, invites them into a relationship with the parish community.

For the catechists involved, the opportunity to share their faith and the joy of being Catholic is an enriching and life-changing experience. OCIA is also an opportunity for the whole community to witness the special preparation of candidates for Rites and ceremonies as they journey toward full communion with the church.

It is rewarding to see the fruits of the ministry, as candidates from past years are currently in active ministry in the Church. The Joy of the Gospel permeates entirely through this important ministry.

There is no greater joy than to observe and be intimately part of the workings of the Holy Spirit

as a candidate comes alive in their faith and immerses themselves in the Gospel way of life.”

A Journey of Joy and Celebration

The process an individual goes through seeking entrance into the Catholic Church is facilitated by a lead OCIA catchiest working with a team of parishioners who love the teachings of the Church and sharing their Catholic faith. Thus, the individual does not journey alone in their pursuit of Truth.

On the First Sunday of Lent in 2024, the St. Francis of Assisi Parish Community sent Tianning Huang to the Cathedral for the Rite of Election with Bishop William Byrne. Fr. David Darcy, Lead OCIA Catechist Judy Trickey, and other parishioners were there for support.

Tianning was received into the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil, March 30, 2024. Within this most holy of Masses, she received all three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion.

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