FORMED brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals. There is something for everyone here: award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books, and family-friendly kids' programming. Led by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press, and in collaboration with over 100 content providers, this site reaches more than one million subscribers worldwide.
St. Francis of Assisi parish is happy to provide our parishioners
with access to the content on FORMED.
How do you sign-up to access the content on Formed?
Go to:
First time users need to: "Sign-up as a parishioner."
Enter: St. Francis of Assisi 10 Park St Belchertown MA
The parish name will appear at the top of the drop-down menu.
Click on it and Click NEXT button.
Enter your name and email address.
Click the SIGN-UP button.
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