

Adoration Hours

Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30 AM - 8 PM ending w/Benediction


All day, every day.

Consult the weekly bulletin for Adoration hours

or call 413-323-6272 x6 for updates to hours or closings.

A message is also sent to those in the Adoration Flocknote group.

If you would like to spend an hour in quiet meditation, as a regular adorer,

contact our Adoration coordinators at:

“Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life. Night and day, He is there.

If you really want to grow in love, come back to the Eucharist, come back to Adoration.” - Mother Theresa

Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is a natural extension of what we do during the Mass when Jesus becomes fully present - Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity - at the consecration. Christ comes into our very midst, veiled in bread and wine. Outside of Mass, Jesus is reposed in the Tabernacle for the purpose of adoration and to be brought to those who are sick and homebound. Thus, He is always with us.

Adoration can take the form of visitation, exposition and benediction. Visiting the chapel outside of formal adoration hours can be a wonderful time before our Lord in the Tabernacle. When the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the monstrance on the altar, formal adoration is available and requires 2-3 people to be present at all times. Benediction is offered during the final fifteen minutes of formal adoration when a member of the clergy is present. Benediction includes singing “Tantum Ergo”, a blessing with the Most Blessed Sacrament, reciting the Divine Praises, reposing the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle, and concluding with singing ‘Holy God, We Praise Thy Name”.

If you’ve never been to adoration, it may seem a little daunting at first, because it is meant to be quiet time with our Lord and requires us to learn to quiet ourselves and be still in His awesome presence.

‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you, I will also help you, I will also uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ (Isaiah 41:10)

“I AM !” - This image appears on the ceiling of the chapel above the altar due to the lights in the main church coming through the textured windows behind the Tabernacle.

Saint Francis was concerned that all Catholics should know and truly believe in Jesus’ presence in the Blessed Sacrament. In his “Admonitions”, he explained, “He shows Himself to us in this sacred bread just as He once appeared to His apostles in real flesh. With their own eyes they saw only His flesh, but they believed that He was God, because they contemplated Him with the eyes of the Spirit. We, too, with our own eyes, see only bread and wine, but we must see further and firmly believe that this is His Most Holy Body and Blood, living and true. In this way, our Lord remains continually with His followers, as He promised, ‘Behold, I Am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world.’” (Matthew 28:20)


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