Special Liturgies

Special Liturgies

“Know, O Christian, that the Mass is the holiest act of religion.

You cannot do anything to glorify God more, nor profit your soul more,

than by devoutly assisting at it, and assisting as often as possible.” – St. Peter Julian Eymard

Lord's Day Masses - are celebrated on Saturday at 4 PM and Sunday at 8 AM & 10:30 AM.

Holy Day Masses - are usually offered the day before at 6:30 PM and the day of at 8 AM and 12:10 PM. This schedule is subject to change, so it is best to consult the bulletin for updates and current times.

Daily Mass - is celebrated Monday through Thursday at 8 AM.

First Friday Mass - Holy Mass on the First Friday of the month is devoted to the Sacred Heart and Precious Blood of Jesus due in part to the promise revealed by Christ to St. Margaret Mary.

First Saturday Mass - First Saturday Mass is celebrated following the First Friday of each month. This 8 AM Mass is offered in special homage to Our Lady of Fatima. A light breakfast is usually offered following this Mass in the Tovet Room.

Religious Education Masses - During our religious education year, there are a variety of Masses offered with contemporary music geared toward our youth.

  • 5:30 PM Mass on Sunday is offered only on days when classes are held.

  • Rite of Enrollment - is offered in the Fall, at the beginning of our religious education year, for those students who are seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring.

  • Grade level Masses - are offered throughout the year to encourage our students to actively participate in the Mass. Students serve as greeters, offertory collectors, gift bearers, trained altar servers, and those preparing for Confirmation may serve as lectors.

  • First Holy Communion - is celebrated in May during the regular Lord's Day Masses.

  • Confirmation - is celebrated on a weekend in May, with the date being set by the bishop. This Mass is usually celebrated at a special time to encourage family and friends of those being confirmed to attend.

Rite of Christian Burial
Arrangements for burial and prayers for the soul

of a loved one may be made through your funeral director

 or by contacting the office at 413-323-6272 x1.

Rite of Christian Burial

Mass of Remembrance - This Mass usually celebrated on a Saturday in November and is offered in remembrance of those in our parish community who died over the past year. Families are invited to attend this special liturgy.

K of C Mass of Remembrance - This Mass is usually celebrated at a 10:30 AM Sunday Mass in November and is offered in remembrance of all the deceased members of the St. Francis of Assisi Knights of Columbus.

Mass of Thanksgiving - This Mass is currently celebrated the evening prior to Thanksgiving Day at 6:30 PM.

Other Liturgies celebrated outside

of the Mass setting:

Stations of the Cross - During Wednesdays in Lent the Stations of the Cross are prayed beginning at 5:45 PM. A variety of meditations are used over the course of six weeks to encourage us to grow deeper in our faith and understanding of the great sacrifice Christ made for each of us.

Divine Mercy Sunday Prayer Service - This takes place on the Sunday following Easter at 3 PM, the Hour of Mercy. It includes Exposition, Adoration, recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction.

Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi - This prayer service is held on the eve of his feast day, October 3 at 6:30 PM. This annual event celebrates the passing of St. Francis of Assisi from this life to life with God. It includes readings regarding his death, scripture and sung responses, with veneration of our St. Francis of Assisi relic.

Blessing of Animals - This special prayer service honors our patrons love of animals. Parishioners are invited to bring their pets to a prayer service to receive a blessing, in the front of the church. This October event is scheduled on a Sunday close to the Feast of St. Francis which falls on October 4.

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