Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Council 10698

2024-2025 Council Officers

Grand Knight - John Nichols

Chaplain - Rev. David Darcy

Deputy Grand Knight -

To Contact the Council

If you would like to learn more about the Knights of Columbus and join the St. Francis of Assisi Council 10698, check out our:

Facebook page, of Columbus 10698,

email the council at,

or leave a message for the Knights of Columbus at: 413-323-3055.

To speak with Grand Knight, John Nichols call: 413-355-9783.

Joining us is as simple as filling out the form at We would be honored to have you join us in this unique fraternal camaraderie and celebration of our faith.

Monthly Curbside Takeout Dinner

During COVID, the Knights began a monthly curbside takeout dinner. Check out this month's dinner choice and date and time by going to the Knights Facebook page in the 'Events' sections.

Council High School Senior Scholarship Application

 The St. Francis of Assisi Council #10698 offers scholarships for High School Graduating Seniors who are pursuing their education at a college, university, trade school or other accredited post-high school institutions of higher learning.  Interested applicants should apply using the application sent to their respective High School Guidance offices or download the application by clicking here.

A Few Facts About

the Knights of Columbus

  • The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by Fr. Michael J. McGivney, a young parish priest in New Haven, CT.

  • It is a strong supporter of the Catholic Church, both in deeds and financially, from the parish level to the Vatican.

  • It has an international membership of over 1.8 million devoted Catholic men.

  • It is a family oriented fraternal organization based on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism open to all practicing Catholic men eighteen years older.

  • Its benefits, services, insurance and programs are available to every member in good standing and their family.

A Few Facts About St. Francis of Assisi

Knights of Columbus Council 10698

  • Members contribute their time according to their own availability. There is no specific time or participation obligation.

  • We devote ourselves to our parish and community assisting those in need and the handicapped.

  • We sponsor social events throughout the year, such as: Pasta/Themed dinners, Beer and Wine Tasting, Golf Tournament, Dinner Dances, council meeting dinners, several Family and Youth events such as an Easter Egg Roll, Soccer and FreeThrow contents, Family Hocky and Pizza Night, Children's Christmas Party, Daddy/Daughter Dance, etc., and many more.

  • We sponsor and arrange trips to local shrines, professional sporting events, theatrical venues, tourist attractions and casinos.

  • We contribute and participate in annual parish and community events such as: a Living Rosary, the Town Memorial Day Parade & ceremony, the annual Parish Tag Sale, the Belchertown Fair & Parade, bottle drive for the parish Food Pantry, Lighting of the Cheche, and much more.

  • We support many charitable activities such as Coats for Kids, Wreaths Across America, High School Scholarships, the K of C Charity "Tootsie Roll" drive for mentally/physically challenged youth, Community Options Christmas Dinner Party, USO, Pro-Life events, to name a few.

  • We meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 7 PM at our Council home on Jabish Street. Prior to the 1st meeting of the month (on the second Tuesday) members are invited to have dinner together at 6 p.m. in the council home, usually prepared by a fellow Knight of the council.

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