Homebound Ministry

Homebound Ministry

Meets monthly on the 2nd Saturday

10:30 AM-11:30 AM in the Parish Social Center

For information, contact: HomeboundMinistry.sfa@gmail.com

Call the Parish Office to arrange a homebound visit or to arrange for Father to administer the Sacrament of the Sick for you or a loved one.

 It is an honor to bring Jesus in the Eucharist to those in our parish family

who are homebound or otherwise unable to attend the Mass celebration.

Our Homebound Ministry extends the compassion and care of our church community to homebound parishioners. We visit those parishioners who are not able to attend Mass for a prolonged period of time, bringing the Church to them through visits to homes, hospitals and care facilities. We also support our local assisted living facility, Christopher Heights, by celebrating a monthly Mass and a monthly Communion Service.

Those who perform this ministry consider it a sacred service, an extension of the Mass that blesses both the bringer and the receiver of the Holy Eucharist. It also offers unexpected moments of joy, opportunities to build relationships and share the Lord and His Word with our homebound brothers and sisters. Those participating in this ministry find that they feel closer to God and our parish family.

At the end of each Mass, ministers to the homebound are sent on their way with this loving commissioning prayer:

 “You are sent from this assembly to carry the Word of God and the Bread of Life

to the sick and homebound members of our parish community.

Go to them with our love, our care, and our prayers

in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and gentle healer.”


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