Vocations Cross Program

Vocation Cross Program

“Oh Lord, you promised that if we pray with great faith, our prayers will be answered.

Listen now with favor to the prayers of the recipient (s) of this Vocation Cross and to all your faithful,

as they pray for an increase in religious vocations, both in our diocese, and in the world.

Grant that through the merit of their supplications, we might be blessed with an abundance

of good and holy priests. We ask this in Jesus’ name.” Amen

Each week our special Vocation Cross is presented to an individual or family to host in their home as an aid in praying for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated religious life. 


The Vocations Cross program is about the members of the church (laity and clergy alike) recognizing the importance of, and praying for an increase in, priestly and religious vocations within the Catholic Church.

Who is it that administers the sacraments of the Catholic Church? It is Christ’s anointed priests who answered His call. They are men who are sons, brothers, nephews, cousins, and friends, from all walks of life, who heard God calling them to a priestly vocation of service. These faith-filled men, and more like them giving their “Yes” to serve the Lord will allow us continued access to the sacraments.

It is also important to support and encourage men and women who receive a calling to serve God through a religious vocation.

While you may not be called to a religious vocation, each of us has a personal responsibility of ensuring we have priests to bring us the precious Body and Blood of Christ. It is important for us to look within our own families to encourage our sons and daughters to consider religious vocations. We need to turn our hearts to God in prayer daily, and ask Him to send us good, holy priests and religious.

A sign-up book for the Vocation Cross is located in the Gathering Space of the church. 

Learn More About Religious Vocations
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