This information was shared by Fr. David in the June 11, 2023 edition of the bulletin.
Dear Parishioners,
Since my arrival at St. Francis, I have been working closely with the finance committee to assess the financial needs of the parish and implement changes that are in the best interest of the parish, and which will continue to move us forward with our goal of a parish center.
I have recognized for years, not just here at St. Francis but in previous parishes, that I could greatly benefit from the support of a business/operations manager. Parishes throughout the country have recognized these benefits and have gone in this direction. Having a business/operations manager, who directly reports to me, overseeing the day-to-day business operations will greatly assist me in fulfilling my responsibilities as Pastor of the parish. This will enable me to both guide and direct your spiritual health and wellbeing, as well as attending to the growth of our community as we look to build a parish center.
With this goal in mind, I asked the finance committee to prepare two budgets for the fiscal year 2023-2024. One budget was prepared with the same line items as last year. The other budget included the following changes: the addition of a part-time business/operations manager, a full-time director of religious education, and transitioning to a part-time maintenance person with the out-sourcing of lawn care.
Review of these two budgets made it clear that these desired changes in positions are feasible, will decrease our expenses, and enable me to better care for our parish. I am therefore implementing these changes effective June 30.
Due to this restructuring, the facilities manager’s position is being eliminated. I want to thank Tom Curto, III for the support he provided to get us to this next phase in the life of the parish. I’m sure you will join me in wishing him the best in his next endeavor.
At this time, I also want to acknowledge and thank Tom Curto, Jr. for his many years of dedication and loyal service to the parish. I am very grateful for his love and commitment.
I am blessed to be your Pastor and to have so many individuals who so generously give of their time and talent.
In God’s great love,
Fr. David
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