Saturday, March 10th
5 PM - 8 PM
In the Pine Room
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus St. Francis of Assisi Council 10698
Menu: C orned Beef & Cabbage, Potatoes, Carrots, Soda Bread, Cake, Coffee, Tea (BYOB)
Entertainment and a ’50-50’ raffle.
Cost per person :
Free to K of C Council 10698 members with a valid 2018 membership card.
Adults - $10
Children: 4-12 yrs old - $5; under 4 - no charge
“Take out” $10, available with advanced notice .
A limited number of tickets (100) for seated dining will be available on a “first come, first served” basis at: Council 10698 meetings; St. Francis weekend Masses beginning Feb. 3 rd ; or by contacting Past Grand Knight Bill Bowen (413) 323-7080.
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