Every year we get a couple of people who ask why we don't celebrate St. Valentine at Mass on February 14th. ChurchPop has an article on their website today that explains it for us.
The article first tells us that we actually remember three different martyrs named Valentine on this day. One was from Roma nd he was Martyred in the year 269. Another lived at about the same time in Terni and he was martyred in 273. The third one was actually martyred in Africa at an early point in the history of the Church.
St. Valentine was actually added to the liturgical calendar in 496 by Pope Galesius. It is not known which St. Valentine or if it was all three that were being honored. Incredibly, there are at least eleven other St. Valentines, but these are not remembered on February 14th.
There are a lot of other informative and fun facts that ChurchPop gives us in this article. Click here to read more.
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