An Encounter with Christ
The St. Francis of Assisi Parish New Evangelization Commission is hoping that you’ll join us in a cold weather initiative. It will provide a little respite from the cold for His children on the street corners as well as the gift of grace that you’ll receive from the Lord for loving those less fortunate than ourselves. Think about it; hear Pope Francis’ words, “go out, go out and encounter Christ in others. Feed the hungry and clothe the naked!”
We can have this encounter whenever we are stopped at a crossroads for a red light. THERE HE IS! He is the one begging, holding the cardboard sign. You may, like most of us feel a little nervous, a little anxious, but don’t look away! What does Jesus say?
“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25: 40b )
You ask, “Lord, how do I feed the hungry and clothe the naked?” It’s easy. He will give you the grace to move beyond your anxiety. At your next encounter, with God’s Grace, roll down your window, hand him or her a gift and the two prayer cards provided by our commission. You’ll be taking care of one of his immediate needs and this request will elevate the beggar on the corner; elevate his human dignity! You’ll be asking the beggar for something in that encounter that only he/she can give. Their prayers!
Do you want to join us? Wonderful! Here’s how. First, you choose the gift. (See ideas below.) Along with your gift, you’ll hand him the two cards mentioned. One is a prayer card invoking the intercession of Mary, Our Blessed Mother. The other will be a request for him/her to pray for you (write your 1 st name on the card) and an invitation for them to join us at church. That’s it. God will do the rest!
Gift Ideas : a pair of socks, a pair of gloves, a warm scarf, a warm hat or a $5.00 gift card from McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts, an apple, orange or even a granola bar. These are just a few suggestions. You may have something else in mind; you decide.
We would love to hear from you. When you have such an encounter, please tell us about it! We will share your story in the bulletin, on our website and on Facebook. We all need inspiration. Please share yours with us. Send an email to:
Prayer cards are available in the gathering space. Please help yourself!
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