Saturday, March 24: VIGIL, PALM SUNDAY
4:00 PM Mass
Sunday, March 25: PALM SUNDAY
Mass at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM
2:30 PM Parish Reconciliation
Monday, March 26
8:00 AM Mass
7:00 PM Chrism Mass
(St. Michael’s Cathedral, 260 State Street, Springfield)
Tuesday, March 27
8:00 AM Mass
Wednesday, March 28
8:00 AM Mass
6:00 PM Stations of the Cross
6:30 PM Mass
Thursday, March 29: HOLY THURSDAY
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
5:30 PM Potluck Supper (Pine Room)
7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper,
followed by Adoration in the Chapel until 10:00 PM
Friday, March 30: GOOD FRIDAY
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
12:00 PM Children’s Way of the Cross
3:00 PM & 7:00 PM Passion of the Lord
Saturday, March 31: HOLY SATURDAY
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass
Sunday, April 1: EASTER SUNDAY
Mass at 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, and 10:30 AM
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